Orange Crush (2012-Present)
To reside in Florida is to live in land of contradictions, oscillating from light to dark, pleasure to horror, and from wonder to repulsion. Orange Crush seeks a sense of solace in a landscape of national distain and dark politics, searching for wild, weird, and wonderful portals.
Orange Crush archives curious locations in Florida such as the historical U.S. Route 19, the Overseas Highway from the Florida Keys to Key West, the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Cassadaga, Florida, and my home in Venice, Florida. These images reaffirm my reverence for this delicate, enigmatic, and complex state.
“The population on this continent will become grounded, will find their place, by a slight change of mind that says, “I’m here”. –Gary Snyder
Orange Crush is a series of archival pigment prints made from color negatives.